Saturday, August 23, 2014

There's an App for that

In today's world, it seems like there is an app for everything. Applications on smart phones can actually be very useful at times, when we are not all checking Facebook or playing candy crush. There are apps for what seems like anything we would need from mobile banking to couponing to even finding a clean restroom (yes, there is an app for that - Sit or Squat).

Mobile applications for smart phones for a public library seem like they would be a great idea. Patrons could browse the catalog, reserve materials, check their accounts, renew materials, and maybe even pay their overdue fines. This thought led me on a search to see if any libraries have an app for that. 

I found these public libraries that have smart phone apps:

Calgary Public Library

Miami-Dade Public Library System

Mobile Public Library

New York Public Library

Why are smart phone applications beneficial to patrons?

People do many tasks on their smart phones. By allowing more access of the public library to patrons, it makes borrowing library materials easier and maybe more appealing to a different crowd. Perhaps, if the public sees that libraries stay up to date with current technologies and they are more than just old books, they will utilize all the public libraries have to offer.

What is this blog about?

I am Vikki, and I am currently a Graduate student in the library and information science program. My ultimate goal is to become a library director for a cooperative of public libraries.

I have loved public libraries for as long as I can remember. I love everything about them. I remember being so excited to be five years old and getting my VERY OWN library card. I felt like I had the key to the world in my hands. I could check out, what felt like, as many books as I wanted. Along with checking out books, the card granted me access to the other services of the library that I obviously did not use at that time, but much later. At twelve years old, I decided that my career was going to be librarian. I volunteered for four years then at the age of sixteen became a paid library assistant. I worked for my local public library until I was twenty-one years old with my last position held being cataloger.

The older I became and the more I worked in the library at different tasks and positions, I realized that many patrons of the public libraries do not know all that libraries have to offer and the help that can be provided to them. I also realized that many public libraries are hindered by their budgets or county officials in that they cannot offer all the services they should be able to offer patrons.

This blog is to provide information on services that are available in public libraries or that could be useful in public libraries and why these services are needed and beneficial to communities.

It is impossible to enter a large library... without feeling an inward sensation of reverence, and without catching some sparks of noble emulation, from the mass of mind which is scattered around you.
- James Crossley